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See videos of how much fun it was at The Abbey on Gay Pride Sunday. Now officially a dance club with DJs almost every night and starting at 2pm on Sundays. Voted ' Best Gay Bar in the World' by MTV's all-gay Logo TV channel two years in a row. The old 'Here Lounge' has transformed into the latest expansion to The Abbey! This is The Abbey's 7th major and largest remodel which adds a 2nd dance floor, bottle service booths with attached go-go pedestals, 2 new bars, an amazing sound system, and a dedicated men's bathroom. The Chapel features the best DJs which translates into one of the best experiences in Gay West Hollywood. Two locations! West Hollywood and 1602 N. Intimate space with great cocktails, food, and outdoor seating. Owner Jay Krymis, his family, this bar, and fubar are featured on the Logo television reality show ' In The Big House.' restaurant Try the Raspberry Bellini or the Chocolate Roux cocktail and don't miss out on the Smores Ice Cream sandwich.

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